Contribution Guideline

👉👉👉 Star LiquidJS harttle/liquidjs

Starring LiquidJS is the most important and easiest way to support us: boost its rank and expose it to more people, which in turn makes it better.

Show Me Your Code

Getting started and building is described in

Code Style: LiquidJS applies standard and @typescript-eslint/recommended rules.

Testing: Make sure test cases pass with your patch merged by running npm test

Commit Message: Please align to the Angular Commit Message Guidelines, especially note the type identifier, on which semantic-release bot depends.

Backward-Compatibility: please be backward-compatible. LiquidJS is used by multiple layers of softwares, including underlying libraries, compilers, site generators and Web servers. It’s not easy to do a major upgrade for most of them.

Financial Support

LiquidJS is Open Source and Free. To help it live and thrive, especially when LiquidJS is benefiting your business, please consider contribute on GitHub Sponsors or Open Collective. If I’m missing anything, find me via Twitter (harttleharttle) or email (harttleharttle at gmail), to add you into the contributors table.